Pamucak Shore / Privatization

Pamucak Shore - Privatization

A view of water parks and resorts along Pamucak Beach located 7.5 miles north of Kusadasi.

In the recent years, Turkey is thriving. Given that Turkey has had a trade deficit throughout most of its history, and especially in the last decade, how is that the country is seemingly thriving? This difficult question could be the subject of numerous academic studies, but foreign investment and ramped up privatization stand out. Without any serious challenge, pretty much every sector from finance to tourism, from mining and energy to telecommunications is being privatized. Of course, if you ask the IMF or the World Bank, privatization "yields substantial and enduring benefits". The next question ought to be, "for whom?" Reality is a little different: Privatization raises costs to the public and governments, causes declines in service quality, results in unforeseen budgetary consequences, requires substantial administrative resources for monitoring and oversight, binds and corrupts policymakers, and the list goes on.

Enjoy places like Pamucak while you can. In a matter of few years time, once every beach and every cove is privatized, these beautiful shores are going to be unaffordable or unbearable.
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