Concordia and Discordia

Concordia and Discordia

Austrian-British philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein claimed, "A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes". Some of the most profound truths can be better expressed as jokes. Hoca Nasreddin could be regarded as one of the best examples of profound humor. Another one is Discordianism; A parody religion which uses subversive humor to spread Zen-like, or Taoism-like, philosophy. According to its "holy book" Principia Discordia, "All affirmations are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense". Now that's profound, even though it closely resembles Jainism's conditioned predication "Syadvada".

In the West, science, logic and mathematics are generally based on two truth values; A predicate is either True or False. But, it sure looks like science has hit a wall with stochastic systems, and defining even the simplest things within binary-logic is problematic. Even everyday things whose definitions we take for granted, when we try to explain them using binary-logic become largely meaningless. Take for example, the human mind. To date, there isn't a fully rational definition of the human mind. So many things are true, false and meaningless, all at the same time. That might actually be by design? There is concord in discord.

One evening, Hoca Nasreddin walks into a coffee shop and announces that "the moon is more useful than the sun". Someone asks why. "Because at night we need the light more".
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